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Video recording

Capture your customers' interest through video. We humans are more likely to be drawn to moving images than text. After all, it's more fun to watch something than to read it. A video can quickly and effectively convey several messages at once.

Video brings your adverts to life!

Sometimes it can be difficult to describe a service or product in text alone. Moving visual material can be used to create concrete and clear marketing. This can be recorded material but also graphical, such as animations.

Why should you use video?

  • Capturing the interest of your customers
  • An easy way to show the benefits of your products and your company
  • Your business ranks better on Google
  • Strengthening your brand
We help you with video recording
Are you interested in finding out more? Contact Robert today!
070 458 29 51

Frequently asked questions

Yes, we make both long and short videos. They are always customised to look good in social media feeds. Take a look at our Instagram page to see what we can do for you.

Yes, we and our contacts can help you with budget planning, finding the right venue, casting etc. for larger productions.

Absolutely! There are many advantages to filming in your workplace.

Why choose Digital Partner Örebro?

Do you want a partner with local roots where personal contact, good service and quality are important factors when choosing a partner. Then digitalpartner a web developer in Örebro is the choice for you.


We have an imaginative team that can solve all kinds of digital challenges and is at the forefront of technological developments.

Personalised consultation

With us, you as a company always have a personal contact, who is available to discuss thoughts and ideas with.


Quality, trust and service are our watchwords. Our most important task is that you feel safe and that you get the attention you deserve!
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