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Welcome to Digital Partner Lucas Galovan

Lucas Galovan has now started his internship at Digitalpartner with a focus on digital marketing. We wish you a warm welcome!

Lucas Galovan Photo: Helena Galovan

A warm welcome to Digitalpartner Lucas, how does it feel to start an internship with us?

It feels very exciting. I'm really looking forward to growing in digital marketing and contributing as much value as possible to Digital Partner and its customers.

Tell us more about your professional & student life

2019 saw the start of my career in social media. It all started with a holiday trip to Bali which developed into an exciting career in social media and digital marketing. In the paradise of Bali, I started working with companies and their Instagram accounts and quickly found the love for the profession and started generating 10.000 followers every month with organic growth. In the autumn of 2019, I decided to dive even deeper into social media and marketing so I started studying at Affärshögskolan in Örebro with the specialisation "Salesperson B2B & Marketing". After completing my studies (nerd that I am), I decided to go even deeper, so in the autumn of 2023 I started my studies at the Noroff School of Technology & Media with a focus on digital marketing where I am currently studying with a graduation date of 18 October 2023. 

What do you like to do in your free time?

Besides digital marketing and geeking out on marketing analytics and creating profitable ad campaigns, I enjoy music, walking and spending time with family and friends. 

What is your favourite travel destination?


Can you tell us something we don't know about you?

Has written music with Carola Häggkvist

5 quick questions:

  • Coffee or tea? Coffee or tea?
  • Music or sport? Music or sport?
  • Summer or winter? Summer
  • Örebro or Stockholm? Örebro
  • Meatballs or Sausage Stroganoff? Meatballs

Contact details of Lucas Galovan

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